The high-tech company TRUMPF bring networked manufacturing forward and has acquired a 25.1 percent stake in ZIGPOS. The innovative IT company based in Dresden specializes in system solutions for the Internet of Things and location applications and offers, among other things, a solution for statistical evaluations for indoor position tracking.
“Digitalization is becoming a decisive competitive factor in sheet metal production. Through this investment, we are supplementing our existing intralogistics offering based on BeSpoon technology, which will also benefit small and medium-sized customers in particular,” says Tom Schneider, Managing Director for Development in the Machine Tool Division at TRUMPF.
ZIGPOS employs about 20 people. Its customers include technology groups and companies from the semiconductor industry. The parties have agreed not to disclose financial details of the investment now agreed upon.
ZIGPOS already supplies software components for TRUMPF’s Track & Trace indoor location system. The solution determines the position of sheet metal parts in real time and increases productivity in manufacturing through the resulting transparency.
“Locating systems from TRUMPF can already significantly reduce throughput times in production with the help of our software. We are pleased to expand our cooperation on a strategic level in the future,” says Erik Mademann, CEO at ZIGPOS.
Ultra-wide-band technology allows the tracking system to be used in metallic manufacturing environments, such as between machines and sheet metal warehouses.
TRUMPF successfully uses Track & Trace both with customers and in its own production.